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Watermelon guavas Fruit


Watermelon guavas are oval to pear-shaped fruits with a moderate size, averaging 5 to 7 centimeters in diameter. The semi-rough skin is green, leathery, and slightly bumpy, and underneath the thin skin, the red-pink flesh is dense and crisp. The flesh is also known for having a firm, granular, and crunchy, apple-like consistency, encasing many small, hard, and edible, yellow seeds. Watermelon guavas have a sweet scent reminiscent of strawberries and a floral, fruity, and sweet flavor of melon and berries.

Watermelon guavas are available in the summer through early winter in tropical regions around the world. Depending on the climate and location, some regions may be able to produce fruit year-round.

fruits : oval to pear-shaped fruits
skin : green

exotic fruits plants world

Kerala, INDIA


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