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Ruby Longan Fruit


The Ruby Longan fruit is the most recent varieties of fruit crop varieties and the latest and still one derivative with longan Aroma Durian. Red Kelelngkeng fruit has a fruit size diameter between 1.5cm to 3cm. In addition to having a seductive colored kilogram (exotic) the flesh is also thick, even the level of sweetness reaches level 21 briks. Sweeter compared to Long Long type litchi. Its beauty is the equivalent of a red ruby agate worth billions of rupiah.

besides also with the peculiarities of the fruit skin to make the fruit crop of red kelengkeng difficult to forge. Just imagine, not just the skin of the fruit is red, but the leaves, shoots, stems even to daleman seeds red.Ruby Longan fruit plants in Kerala is now available in our farm.

Fruiting : 90 days
Harvest Months : seed budding or graft

exotic fruits plants world

Kerala, INDIA


+91 9846998625

Our Farm

Exotic Fruits Plants World Organic Farm and Nursery Offer 1000 Of Variety of Exotic Plants,Fruits And Pets for sale.Delivery Avaliable Any Where In India.