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Persian lemon


Persian Sweet lemons, botanically classified as Citrus limetta, are an acid-less variety belonging to the Rutaceae family. The round lemons grow on evergreen trees that can reach up to eight meters in height, and the trees are characteristically thorny, bearing sharp points that can appear up to seven centimeters in length. Persian Sweet lemons are native to Asia and have been commercially grown for centuries for their sweet flavor, floral aroma, and high vitamin C content. The lemons were traditionally used in medicinal beverages for colds and flu, but the juice has also become a popular flavoring for refreshing drinks sold through local vendors. Persian Sweet lemons are known as Limu Shirin in Iran, translating from Persian to mean “Sweet Lemon,” and as Limoo Shirin, Persian Sweet Limes, Sweet Limetta, and Sathukudi, Musami, or Mousami in India. In the modern-day, Persian Sweet lemons have become a widespread home garden variety selected for their easy-to-grow nature, high yields, everbearing quality, and ability to be purchased in dwarf, semi-dwarf, and standard sizes. Persian Sweet lemons are versatile, incorporated into a wide array of beverages, seasonings, oils, and culinary dishes.

exotic fruits plants world

Kerala, INDIA


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