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Mukuti (Biophytum reinwardtii) is a small annual herb found in the Indo-Malaysian biome . In Ayurveda , it is a plant that belongs to Dasapushpa . The scientific name of this plant, which belongs to the Oxalidaceae family, is still disputed. [ citation needed ] Mukutty can be found in shady areas along roadsides and fields in Kerala . Poets and writers consider Mukutty as the epitome of Kerala rural life.

The plant is used entirely for medicinal purposes. Bitter in taste, the bitter gourd has also been shown to have stimulant properties. According to Ayurveda, this herb is a febrifuge and expectorant and is effective in Vata and Pitta doshas. It is used as a medicine for many diseases like fever, hemorrhage, cough, dysentery and urinary diseases. Also, because of its antiseptic and styptic properties, it is used as a medicine for ulcers and wounds. Mukooti is also a poison. If you are bitten by a wasp or a wasp , it is good to grate mukuti and apply it externally and serve it. Mukuti juice is also good for drying wounds. For diarrhea, mukuti leaves can be grated and mixed with buttermilk and drunk

Family: Oxalidaceae
Genus: Biophytum
Species: Biophytum reinwardtii

exotic fruits plants world

Kerala, INDIA


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