exotic fruits plants world
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Macarandiba fruitt


Macarandiba is a semideciduous tree with a small crown, that can grow 20 - 40 metres tall. The bole often has basal prop roots, it can be 40 - 80cm in diameter. The fruit is much esteemed in Brazil, where it is both gathered from the wild and also often cultivated, especially around Rio de Janeiro.Fruit - raw or made into preserves . A sweet, farinaceous pulp. The greeny-yellow, globose fruit can be 4cm in diameter, containing 1 - 2 large seeds
The wood is of average texture, straight-grained, moderately heavy, hard to cut, slightly susceptible to wood-eating organisms. It is suitable for general carpentry, external use, railway ties, posts etc.

Height : 30.00 m
Growth Rate : Medium
Cultivation Status : Cultivated, Wild

exotic fruits plants world

Kerala, INDIA


+91 9846998625

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