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Marang Fruits


Marang fruit is an evergreen tree with spreading branches, 25–30 m (80–100 ft) tall. Leaves alternate, with rough, sandpapery surface, 20–45 cm (8–18 in) long by 15–30 cm (6–12 in) wide. Monoecious flowers produce male and female spikes. The female flowers develop into an ovoid or irregularly shaped, yellowish-green to yellowishbrown fruit, weighing about 1 kg (2.2 lbs) and measuring 15–20 cm (6–8 in) in diameter. The thick rind is densely covered in short, soft spikes. The white flesh (aril) has a strong, sweet, and very aromatic smell and contains numerous brown seeds. Origin and Distribution. The marang is probably native to the Philippines and Borneo. It is cultivated mainly in Southeast Asia and is uncommon to rare in other parts of the tropics. The tree prefers a warm and humid tropical climate. Food uses. The fruits, which turn yellowish-brown in color when fully ripe, are cut open and the sweet, soft pulp surrounding the seeds is extracted from the shell. The seeds taste similar to peanuts but have a crunchier texture and are boiled in saltwater or roasted and consumed as snacks. Marang fruit plants in Kerala is also avaialabe now

exotic fruits plants world

Kerala, INDIA


+91 9846998625

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Exotic Fruits Plants World Organic Farm and Nursery Offer 1000 Of Variety of Exotic Plants,Fruits And Pets for sale.Delivery Avaliable Any Where In India.